Source code for pareidolia.detection

#!/usr/bin/env python3

Functions used for change detection.
cmdoret, 20200403
from typing import Iterable
import scipy.sparse as sp
import numpy as np
import chromosight.utils.detection as cud
import chromosight.utils.preprocessing as cup

[docs]def median_bg(mats: Iterable[sp.spmatrix]) -> sp.spmatrix: """ Given multiple sparse matrices with the same shape, format and nonzero coordinates, generate a background matrix made up of the median signal Parameters ---------- mats : Iterable of scipy.sparse.spmatrix: A list of data matrices from different samples. Returns ------- scipy.sparse.spmatrix : The median background matrix, where each pixel is the median of the corresponding pixel from all samples. """ # Check that all matrices are sparse, have the same format and sparsity if not np.all([sp.issparse(m) for m in mats]): raise ValueError("Input must be a scipy sparse matrix.") if not np.all([m.format == mats[0].format for m in mats]): raise ValueError("All input matrices must be in the same format.") if not np.all([m.getnnz() == mats[0].getnnz() for m in mats]): raise ValueError("All input matrices must have the same sparsity.") bg = mats[0].copy() = np.median([ for m in mats], axis=0) return bg
[docs]def reps_bg_diff(mats: Iterable[sp.spmatrix]) -> np.ndarray: """ Given multiple sample matrices, return a 1D array of all differences between each sample matrix's pixels and their corresponding median background value. All input matrices must have the same shape, nonzero coordinates and format. Parameters ---------- mats : Iterable of scipy.sparse.spmatrix The list of data matrices from different samples. Returns ------- numpy.ndarray of floats : The distribution of pixel differences to the median background. If there are S matrices of P nonzero pixels, this 1D array will contain P*S elements. """ med_bg = median_bg(mats) diffs = [ - for m in mats] diffs = np.hstack(diffs) return diffs
[docs]def get_sse_mat(mats: Iterable[sp.spmatrix]) -> sp.spmatrix: """ Given multiple matrices, return the matrix of position-wise sum of squared errors to median. All input matrices must have the same shape, nonzero coordinates and format. Output matrix will have the same format as inputs. Parameters ---------- mats : Iterable of scipy.sparse.spmatrix The list of data matrices from different samples. Returns ------- scipy.sparse.spmatrix : A sparse matrix where each nonzero pixel is the sum of squared difference of all samples to their median background, at the corresponding nonzero pixel. """ bg = median_bg(mats) sse = bg.copy() se = np.array([( - ** 2 for m in mats]) = np.sum(se, axis=0) return sse
[docs]def get_win_density( mat: sp.csr_matrix, win_size: int = 3, sym_upper: bool = False ) -> sp.csr_matrix: """Compute local pixel density in sparse matrices using convolution. The convolution is performed in 'full' mode: Computations are performed all the way to the edges by trimming the kernel. Parameters ---------- mat : scipy.sparse.csr_matrix The input sparse matrix to convolve. win_size : int The size of the area in which to compute the proportion of nonzero pixels. This will be the kernel size used in convolution. sym_upper : bool Whether the input matrix is symmetric upper, in which case only the upper triangle is returned. Returns ------- scipy.sparse.csr_matrix: The result of the convolution of the uniform kernel (win_size x win_size) on the binarized input matrix. Each value represents the proportion of nonzero pixels in the neighbourhood. """ ms, ns = mat.shape # Generate a binary matrix (pixels are either empty or full) bin_mat = mat.copy() if sym_upper: bin_mat = sp.triu(bin_mat) = # Adding a frame of zeros around the signal tmp = sp.csr_matrix((win_size - 1, ns), dtype=bool) bin_mat = sp.vstack([tmp, bin_mat, tmp], format=mat.format) tmp = sp.csr_matrix((ms + 2 * (win_size - 1), win_size - 1), dtype=bool) bin_mat = sp.hstack([tmp, bin_mat, tmp], format=mat.format) # Convolve the uniform kernel with this matrix to get the proportion of nonzero # pixels in each neighbourhood kernel = np.ones((win_size, win_size)) win_area = win_size ** 2 density = cud.xcorr2(bin_mat, kernel / win_area) # Compute convolution of uniform kernel with a frame of ones to get number # of missing pixels in each window. frame = cup.frame_missing_mask( sp.csr_matrix(mat.shape, dtype=bool), kernel.shape, sym_upper=sym_upper ) frame = cud.xcorr2(frame, kernel).tocoo() # From now on, contains the number of 'present' samples. # (where there is at least one missing pixel) = win_area - # Adjust the proportion for values close to the border (lower denominator) density[frame.row, frame.col] = ( density[frame.row, frame.col].A1 * win_area / ) # Trim the frame out from the signal density = density[ win_size - 1 : -win_size + 1, win_size - 1 : -win_size + 1 ] if sym_upper: density = sp.triu(density) return density