Source code for pareidolia.hic_utils

#!/usr/bin/env python3

Functions used to apply Hi-C specific transformations and interact with cooler
cmdoret, 20200404

import sys
import itertools as it
from typing import Iterable, Optional, Union, Tuple
from functools import reduce
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import scipy.sparse as sp
import cooler
import multiprocessing as mp
import chromosight.utils.preprocessing as cup
import chromosight.utils.detection as cud
import as cio
import chromosight.kernels as ck
import as pai
import pareidolia.preprocess as pap
import pareidolia.detection as pad
import pareidolia.stats as pas

[docs]def get_min_contacts( coolers: Iterable[cooler.Cooler], region: Optional[str] = None ) -> int: """ Given several cooler objects, returns the number of contacts in the least covered matrix. Optionally, a region can be given in UCSC format, in which case coverage will be computed only in the matrix from that region. """ contacts = np.zeros(len(coolers)) # Get coverage for each cool file for i, clr in enumerate(coolers): if region is None: contacts[i] =["sum"] else: contacts[i] = ( clr.matrix(balance=False, sparse=True).fetch(region).sum() ) # Return the minimum coverage value (in number of contacts) return int(min(contacts))
[docs]def preprocess_hic( clr: cooler.Cooler, min_contacts: Optional[int] = None, region: Optional[str] = None, ) -> sp.csr_matrix: """ Given an input cooler object, returns the preprocessed Hi-C matrix. Preprocessing involves (in that order): subsetting region, subsampling contacts, normalisation, detrending (obs / exp). Balancing weights must be pre-computer in the referenced cool file. Region must be in UCSC format. """ # Load raw matrix and subset region if requested mat = clr.matrix(sparse=True, balance=False) bins = clr.bins() if region is None: mat = mat[:] bins = bins[:] else: mat = mat.fetch(region) bins = bins.fetch(region) try: biases = bins["weight"].values except KeyError as err: sys.stderr.write("Error: Input cooler must be balanced.\n") raise err # get to same coverage if requested and matrix is not empty if mat.sum() and (min_contacts is not None): mat = cup.subsample_contacts(mat, min_contacts).tocoo() valid = cup.get_detectable_bins(mat, n_mads=5) # balance region with weights precomputed on the whole matrix = * biases[mat.row] * biases[mat.col] # Detrend for P(s) mat = cup.detrend(mat.tocsr(), smooth=False, detectable_bins=valid[0]) # Replace NaNs by 0s = np.nan_to_num( mat.eliminate_zeros() return mat
[docs]def coords_to_bins(clr: cooler.Cooler, coords: pd.DataFrame) -> np.ndarray: """ Converts genomic coordinates to a list of bin ids based on the whole genome contact map. Parameters ---------- coords : pandas.DataFrame Table of genomic coordinates, with columns chrom, pos. Returns ------- numpy.array of ints : Indices in the whole genome matrix contact map. """ coords.pos = (coords.pos // clr.binsize) * clr.binsize # Coordinates are merged with bins, both indices are kept in memory so that # the indices of matching bins can be returned in the order of the input # coordinates idx = ( clr.bins()[:] .reset_index() .rename(columns={"index": "bin_idx"}) .merge( coords.reset_index().rename(columns={"index": "coord_idx"}), left_on=["chrom", "start"], right_on=["chrom", "pos"], how="right", ) .set_index("bin_idx") .sort_values("coord_idx") .index.values ) return idx
[docs]def make_density_filter( mats: Iterable[sp.csr_matrix], density_thresh: float = 0.10, win_size=3, sym_upper=False, ) -> sp.csr_matrix: """Given a list of sparse matrices, generate a "density filter". This new sparse matrix is a boolean mask where values indicate whether the proportion of nonzero pixels in the neighbourhood of diameter win_size is above the input threshold in all input matrices. Parameters ---------- mats : Iterable of scipy.sparse.csr_matrix The matrices to be combined into a filter. density_thresh : float The required proportion of nonzero pixels in the neighbourhood pass the filter. win_size : int The diameter of the neighbourhood in which to compute the proportion of nonzero pixels. sym_upper : bool Whether the matrix is symmetric upper. In this case, computations are performed in the upper triangle. Returns ------- scipy.sparse.csr_matrix of bools: The sparse boolean mask representing the density filter. Values are True where all input matrices passed the threshold. """ # Filter out regions where contacts were too sparse in all contact matrices # Pixel density is first converted to a boolean matrix (pass / fail) filters = map( lambda m: pad.get_win_density( m, win_size=win_size, sym_upper=sym_upper ) > density_thresh, mats, ) # matrices are reduced through an element-wise multiplication acting as an AND # filter: AND(AND(AND(m1, m2), m3), m4) inter_filter = reduce(lambda x, y: x.multiply(y), filters) return inter_filter
def _ttest_matrix( samples: pd.DataFrame, control: str ) -> Tuple[sp.csr_matrix, float]: """ Performs pixel-wise t-test comparisons between conditions to detect differential interactions. """ # Compute background for each condition arr_control = np.dstack( [ for m in samples.mat[samples.cond == control]] )[0, :, :] arr_alt = np.dstack( [ for m in samples.mat[samples.cond != control]] )[0, :, :] diff = samples["mat"][0] = pas.vec_ttest(arr_control, arr_alt) # The threshold is the t-value corresponding to p=0.05 # thresh = pas.pval_to_tval( # 1 - percentile_thresh / 100, # arr_control.shape[1] + arr_alt.shape[1], # ) return diff def _median_bg_subtraction( samples: pd.DataFrame, control: str, cnr_thresh: Optional[float] = 0.3, cnr_max: float = 10.0, ) -> Tuple[sp.csr_matrix, sp.csr_matrix]: """ Performs the median background subtraction to extract differential signal from multiple Hi-C matrix. Returns the filtered differential matrix and the contrast-to-noise-ratio matrix used for the filtering. """ # Compute background for each condition backgrounds = samples.groupby("cond")["mat"].apply( lambda g: pad.median_bg(g.reset_index(drop=True)) ) # Compute sse for each condition sse = samples.groupby("cond")["mat"].apply( lambda g: pad.get_sse_mat(g.reset_index(drop=True)) ) conditions = np.unique(samples.cond) # Compute difference between conditions and contrast # to noise ratio cnr = sse[0].copy() = np.zeros(sse[0].data.shape) diff = sp.csr_matrix(sse[0].shape) for c in conditions: if c != control: # Break ties to preserve sparsity (do not introduce 0s) ties = backgrounds[c].data == backgrounds[control].data backgrounds[c].data[ties] += 1e-08 curr_diff = backgrounds[c] - backgrounds[control] diff += curr_diff += np.abs( / np.sqrt(sse[c].data) /= len(conditions) # Erase spurious or extreme values[ < 0.0] = 0.0[ > cnr_max] = cnr_max # Use average difference to first background as change metric /= len(conditions) - 1 # Threshold data on background / sse value if cnr_thresh is not None:[ < cnr_thresh] = 0.0 return diff, cnr
[docs]def detection_matrix( samples: pd.DataFrame, kernel: np.ndarray, region: Optional[str] = None, subsample: Optional[int] = None, max_dist: Optional[int] = None, pearson_thresh: Optional[float] = None, density_thresh: Optional[float] = None, cnr_thresh: Optional[float] = 0.3, n_cpus: int = 4, ) -> Tuple[Optional[sp.csr_matrix], Optional[sp.csr_matrix]]: """ Run the detection process for a single chromosome or region. This is abstracted from all notions of chromosomes and genomic coordinates. """ # We consider the matrix is symmetric upper (i.e. intrachromosomal) sym_upper = True # Diagonals will be trimmed at max_dist with a margin for convolution if max_dist is None: trim_dist = None else: mat_size =[0].matrix(sparse=True).fetch(region).shape[0] trim_dist = min(mat_size, max_dist + max(kernel.shape)) # Compute number of contacts in the matrix with the lowest coverage if subsample: min_contacts = get_min_contacts(, region=region) else: min_contacts = None # Define the condition of the first sample as the baseline condition control = samples.cond.values[0] # Preprocess all matrices (subsample, balance, detrend) # Samples pocessed in parallel if requested if n_cpus > 1: pool = mp.Pool(n_cpus) map_fun = pool.starmap else: map_fun = lambda x, y: [x(*args) for args in y] # Hi-C specific preprocessing individual matrices (subsample, balance, detrend) samples["mat"] = map_fun( preprocess_hic, zip(, it.repeat(min_contacts), it.repeat(region)), ) print(f"{region} preprocessed", file=sys.stderr) # Return nothing if the matrix is smaller than kernel if np.any(np.array(samples["mat"][0].shape) <= np.array(kernel.shape)): return None, None # Retrieve the indices of bins which are valid in all samples (not missing # because of repeated sequences or low coverage) common_bins = pap.get_common_valid_bins(samples["mat"]) # Trim diagonals beyond max_dist (with kernel margin for the convolution) # to spare resources if trim_dist is not None: samples["mat"] = map_fun( cup.diag_trim, zip(samples["mat"], it.repeat(trim_dist)) ) # Generate a missing mask from these bins missing_mask = cup.make_missing_mask( samples["mat"][0].shape, common_bins, common_bins, max_dist=trim_dist, sym_upper=sym_upper, ) # Remove all missing values from each sample's matrix samples["mat"] = map_fun( cup.erase_missing, zip( map(sp.triu, samples["mat"]), it.repeat(common_bins), it.repeat(common_bins), it.repeat(sym_upper), ), ) print(f"{region} missing bins erased", file=sys.stderr) # Compute a density filter: regions with sufficient proportion of nonzero # pixels in kernel windows, in all samples. We will use it for downstream # which filter if (density_thresh is not None) and (density_thresh > 0): density_filter = make_density_filter( samples["mat"], density_thresh=density_thresh, win_size=kernel.shape[0], sym_upper=sym_upper, ) # Generate correlation maps for all samples using chromosight's algorithm corrs = map_fun( cud.normxcorr2, zip( samples.mat.values, it.repeat(kernel), it.repeat(max_dist), it.repeat(True), it.repeat(True), it.repeat(missing_mask), it.repeat(0.75), it.repeat(None), it.repeat(False), ), ) samples["mat"] = [tup[0] for tup in corrs] del corrs print(f"{region} correlation matrices computed", file=sys.stderr) # Get the union of nonzero coordinates across all samples total_nnz_set = pap.get_nnz_union(samples["mat"]) # Fill zeros at these coordinates samples["mat"] = samples["mat"].apply( lambda cor: pap.fill_nnz(cor, total_nnz_set) ) # Erase pixels where all samples are below pearson threshold if pearson_thresh is not None: pearson_fail = [ ( < pearson_thresh).astype(bool) for m in samples["mat"] ] pearson_fail = np.bitwise_and.reduce(pearson_fail) # Threshold maps using pearson correlations to reduce noisy detections for i, m in enumerate(samples["mat"]):[pearson_fail] = 0.0 samples["mat"][i] = m if n_cpus > 1: pool.close() # Use median background diff, cnr = _median_bg_subtraction(samples, control, cnr_thresh) # Erase pixels which do not pass the density filter in all samples if (density_thresh is not None) and (density_thresh > 0): diff = diff.multiply(density_filter) # Remove all values beyond user-specified max_dist if max_dist is not None: diff = cup.diag_trim(diff, max_dist + 2) return diff, cnr
[docs]def change_detection_pipeline( cool_files: Iterable[str], conditions: Iterable[str], kernel: Union[np.ndarray, str] = "loops", bed2d_file: Optional[str] = None, region: Optional[Union[Iterable[str], str]] = None, max_dist: Optional[int] = None, min_dist: Optional[int] = None, subsample: bool = True, pearson_thresh: Optional[float] = None, density_thresh: Optional[float] = 0.10, cnr_thresh: Optional[float] = 1.0, n_cpus: int = 4, ) -> pd.DataFrame: """ Run end to end pattern change detection pipeline on input cool files. A list of conditions of the same lengths as the sample list must be provided. The first condition in the list is used as the reference (control) state. Changes for a specific pattern are computed. A valid chromosight pattern name can be supplied (e.g. loops, borders, hairpins, ...) or a kernel matrix can be supplied directly instead. maximum scanning distance can be specified directly (in basepairs) to override the kernel default value. Positive diff_scores mean the pattern intensity was increased relative to control (first condition). Positions with significant changes will be reported in a pandas dataframe. In addition to the score, a contrast-to-noise ratio between 0 and 10 is given to give an estimation of the signal quality. Optionally, a 2D bed file with positions of interest can be specified, in which case change value at these positions will be reported instead. When using a bed2d file. Parameters ---------- cool_files : The list of paths to cool files for the input samples. conditions : The list of conditions matching the samples. kernel : Either the kernel to use as pattern as a numpy array, or the name of a valid chromosight pattern. bed2d_file : Path to a bed2D file containing a list of 2D positions. If this is provided, pattern changes at these coordinates will be quantified. Otherwise, they will be detected based on a threshold. region : Either a single UCSC format region string, or a list of multiple regions. The analysis will be restricted to those regions. max_dist : Maximum interaction distance (in basepairs) to consider in the analysis. If this is not specified and a chromosight kernel was specified, the default max_dist for that kernel is used. If the case of a custom kernel, the whole matrix will be scanned if no max_dist is specified. subsample : Whether all input matrices should be subsampled to the same number of contacts as the least covered sample. pearson_thresh : The pearson correlation threshold to use when detecting patterns. If None, the default value for the kernel is used. density_thresh : The pixel density threshold to require. Low coverage windows with a proportion of nonzero pixels below this value are discarded. n_cpus : Number of CPU cores to allocate for parallel operations. Returns ------- pd.DataFrame : The list of reported 2D coordinates and their change intensities. """ # Make sure each sample has an associated condition if len(cool_files) != len(conditions): raise ValueError( "The lists of cool files and conditions must have the same length" ) # If a pattern name was provided, load corresponding chromosight kernel if isinstance(kernel, str): kernel_name = kernel try: kernel = getattr(ck, kernel_name)["kernels"][0] if max_dist is None: max_dist = getattr(ck, kernel_name)["max_dist"] if min_dist is None: min_dist = getattr(ck, kernel_name)["min_dist"] if pearson_thresh is None: pearson_thresh = getattr(ck, kernel_name)["pearson"] except AttributeError: raise AttributeError(f"{kernel_name} is not a valid pattern name") print(f"Loading default parameter for kernel '{kernel_name}'...") print(f"pearson_thresh: {pearson_thresh}") print(f"min_dist: {min_dist}") print(f"max_dist: {max_dist}") elif isinstance(kernel, np.ndarray): kernel_name = "custom kernel" else: raise ValueError( "Kernel must either be a valid chromosight pattern name, or a 2D numpy.ndarray of floats" ) # Associate samples with their conditions samples = pd.DataFrame( {"cond": conditions, "cool": pai.get_coolers(cool_files)} ) print( f"Changes will be computed relative to condition: {samples.cond.values[0]}" ) # Define each chromosome as a region, if None specified clr =[0] if max_dist is not None: max_dist = max_dist // clr.binsize if min_dist is None: min_dist = 0 else: min_dist = min_dist // clr.binsize if region is None: regions = clr.chroms()[:]["name"].tolist() elif isinstance(region, str): regions = [region] else: regions = region pos_cols = [ "chrom1", "start1", "end1", "chrom2", "start2", "end2", "bin1", "bin2", "diff_score", "cnr", ] if bed2d_file: positions = cio.load_bed2d(bed2d_file) for col in ["diff_score", "cnr", "bin1", "bin2"]: positions[col] = np.nan else: positions = pd.DataFrame(columns=pos_cols) for reg in regions: # Subset bins to the range of interest bins = clr.bins().fetch(reg).reset_index(drop=True) diff, cnr = detection_matrix( samples, kernel, region=reg, subsample=subsample, max_dist=max_dist, pearson_thresh=pearson_thresh, density_thresh=density_thresh, n_cpus=n_cpus, cnr_thresh=cnr_thresh, ) # If the matrix was too small or no difference was found, skip it if diff is None or diff.nnz == 0: continue # If positions were provided, return the change value for each of them if bed2d_file: tmp_chr = reg.split(":")[0] tmp_rows = (positions.chrom1 == tmp_chr) & ( positions.chrom2 == tmp_chr ) # If there are no positions of interest on this chromosome, just # skip it if not np.any(tmp_rows): continue tmp_pos = positions.loc[tmp_rows, :] # Convert both coordinates from genomic coords to bins for i in [1, 2]: tmp_pos["chrom"] = tmp_pos[f"chrom{i}"] tmp_pos["pos"] = ( tmp_pos[f"start{i}"] + tmp_pos[f"end{i}"] ) // 2 tmp_pos[f"bin{i}"] = coords_to_bins(clr, tmp_pos).astype(int) # Save bin coordinates from current chromosome to the full table positions.loc[tmp_rows, f"bin{i}"] = tmp_pos[f"bin{i}"] tmp_pos = tmp_pos.drop(columns=["pos", "chrom"]) # Retrieve diff values for each coordinate positions.loc[tmp_rows, "diff_score"] = diff[ tmp_pos.start1 // clr.binsize, tmp_pos.start2 // clr.binsize ].A1 positions.loc[tmp_rows, "cnr"] = cnr[ tmp_pos.start1 // clr.binsize, tmp_pos.start2 // clr.binsize ].A1 # Otherwise report individual spots of change using chromosight else: # Pick "foci" of changed pixels and their local maxima tmp_pos, _ = cud.pick_foci(abs(diff), 0.01, min_size=3) # Get genomic positions from matrix coordinates tmp_pos = pd.DataFrame(tmp_pos, columns=["bin1", "bin2"]) for i in [1, 2]: coords = ( bins.loc[tmp_pos[f"bin{i}"], ["chrom", "start", "end"]] .reset_index(drop=True) .rename( columns={ "chrom": f"chrom{i}", "start": f"start{i}", "end": f"end{i}", } ) ) # Add axis' columns to dataframe tmp_pos = pd.concat([coords, tmp_pos], axis=1) # Retrieve diff values for each coordinate try: tmp_pos["diff_score"] = diff[tmp_pos.bin1, tmp_pos.bin2].A1 # No position found, go to next region except AttributeError: continue tmp_pos["cnr"] = cnr[tmp_pos.bin1, tmp_pos.bin2].A1 # Append new chromosome's rows positions = pd.concat([positions, tmp_pos], axis=0) # For 1D patterns (e.g. borders) set diagonal positions. if max_dist == 0: positions[["bin1", "chrom1", "start1", "end1"]] = positions[ ["bin2", "chrom2", "start2", "end2"] ] positions = positions.loc[:, pos_cols] positions = positions.loc[ abs(positions.bin2 - positions.bin1) >= min_dist, : ].reset_index(drop=True) print(positions) return positions