Source code for pareidolia.preprocess

#!/usr/bin/env python3

Functions used to clean and prepare sparse matrices for detection.
cmdoret, 20200403
from typing import Iterable, Tuple, Iterator, Set
import numpy as np
import scipy.sparse as sp
import chromosight.utils.preprocessing as cup

[docs]def get_common_valid_bins( mats: Iterable["sp.csr_matrix[float]"], n_mads: float = 5, ) -> "np.ndarray[int]": """ Generates an array of valid bins indices, using the intersection of valid bins from all input sparse matrices. All input matrices must be square and have the same shape. Valid bins are defined based on their proportion of nonzero pixels. Parameters ---------- mats : Iterable of sp.csr_matrix A list sparse matrices representing Hi-C contacts, each matrix represents a sample. n_mads : float A bin is considered missing if its proportion of nonzero pixels is lower than n_mads median absolute deviations below the median of the bin distribution for the whole matrix. Returns ------- np.ndarray of ints : A 1D array containing the indices of valid (non-missing) bins. """ common_valid = None for mat in mats: if mat.shape[0] != mat.shape[1]: raise NotImplementedError("Only square matrices are valid input.") # Get the list of valid bins in the current matrix valid = cup.get_detectable_bins(mat, n_mads=n_mads) # Initialize set of common bins with the first matrix if common_valid is None: common_valid = set(valid[0]) # Remove elements absent from current matrix from the common set else: common_valid = common_valid.intersection(set(valid[0])) return np.array(list(common_valid))
[docs]def get_nnz_union(mats: Iterable["sp.csr_matrix[float]"]) -> "np.ndarray[int]": """ Given a list of sparse matrices, return the union of their nonzero coordinates, in the form of a 2D numpy array with 1 coordinate per row, with 2 columns representing coordinates rows and columns. Parameters ---------- mats : Iterable of sp.csr_matrix List containing the sparse matrices from each sample. Returns ------- np.ndarray of int : A 2D numpy array containing the union of nonzero coordinates in the input sparse matrices. The array has shape Nx2 where N is the number of coordinates. The columns represent row and column coordinates. """ try: # Check for input type if np.all([m.format == "csr" for m in mats]): for i, mat in enumerate(mats): # Use first matrix to initialize set if i == 0: union_mat = mat.copy().astype(bool, copy=True) # Iteratively sum matrices else: union_mat += mat.astype(bool, copy=True) union_mat.eliminate_zeros() # Retrieve positions of nonzero entries into an array all_nnz = np.ascontiguousarray(np.vstack(union_mat.nonzero()).T) else: raise ValueError("input sparse matrices must be in csr format") except AttributeError: raise TypeError("Input type must be scipy.sparse.csr_matrix") return all_nnz
[docs]def fill_nnz( mat: "sp.csr_matrix", all_nnz: "np.ndarray[int]", fill_value: float = 1e-9 ) -> sp.csr_matrix: """ Given an input sparse matrix and a superset of nonzero coordinates, fill the matrix to ensure all values in the set are stored explicitely with the value of fill_value. Parameters ---------- mat : sp.csr_matrix The sparse matrix of a single sample. all_nnz : np.ndarray of ints A 2D array of shape Nx2, where N is the number of nonzero elements to fill. The columns represent the row and column coordinates of those elements. fill_value : float The value to use when filling the nonzero elements in the matrix. Has to be the same datatype as the input matrix. Returns ------- sp.csr_matrix : The filled sparse matrix, where all coordinates in all_nnz have been filled with fill_value. """ # Get the set of nonzero coordinate in the input matrix mat_nnz = np.ascontiguousarray(np.vstack(mat.nonzero()).T) out = mat.copy() ncols = all_nnz.shape[1] # Tricking numpy into treating rows as single values using a custom dtype # based on: dtype = { "names": [f"f{i}" for i in range(ncols)], "formats": ncols * [all_nnz.dtype], } # get all all_nnz coordinates that are zero in the matrix add_mask = np.in1d(all_nnz.view(dtype), mat_nnz.view(dtype), invert=True) # Replace implicit zeros by fill_value at these coordinates out[all_nnz[add_mask, 0], all_nnz[add_mask, 1]] = fill_value out.eliminate_zeros() return out